
Love What do you mean by love can you elaborate? What is love and life.? What is love answer ? What is love quotes? What is love all about in a relationship ? Best definition of love?

What is Love? Is it love ? What it really mean ?  

What is Love? 

 Love is the on of the most beautiful word of this world which  has different meaning and different definition for different people. But no meanings and definition is perfect. Love has profound outline wide range. If you asked me what is love then  Love for me is a actually a habit of caring , Adore , respect someone . love is about believing in someone what they are . When you're in love you it gives you langur feeling , profound emotional and sanguine life. 

Love is an attitude , an orientation of character which determine the relentless of a person to the world not towards the one "object" of Love. 

Is  it love ?

If a person love only a one other person and indifferent to all of the rest of his fellow members , his love is not love but a symbolic attachments or an enlarged egotism.  Yet most people believe that the love is constituted by the object , not by the faculty. In fact they believe that the proof of the intensity of their love when they don't love anybody except the loved person.... Because they doesn't see that Love is an activity a power of the soul , one believe that all that is necessary to find is the right object- and that everything goes by itself.

What it really mean ? 

If you truly love one person you love all persons , you love the world, you love life . If you can say to somebody else " I love you"  , you must be able to say ." I love in you everybody,  I Love Throughout you the World, I love in you also myself.

The most fundamental kind of love , Which underlines all types of love , is brotherly love . But this actually means the sense of responsibility , cares , respect, knowledge of any other human being , the wish to further his life.

Let's spread love everywhere we goes .

Note : some part of This article is taking from Eric Fromm, The Art Of Love, Harper & Row, 1956.

Tags : What is love and life ? What is love answer?  What is love quotes? What is Love song? What is love all about in a relationship? Best definition ?

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