
If you want to improve your patience then this article is enough for you to Know The power of patience?

  If you want to improve your patience then this Article are enough for you to Know The power of patience?

know The power of patience.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that . "Adopt the pace of nature , her secret is patience " . The next time you find yourself about to give up on a challenging mission because it seems impossible, just recall the message you receive from nature. The message is patience is the key. Two things define you: your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.

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Let's understand it by some examples.

Do you know why  butterfly is beautiful.?

Answer is here because of patience . Nature gently unfold to  the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.  Before caterpillar emerges out of its chrysalis as a butterfly and takes on a flight, it has to go through lots of struggle. The caterpillar's whole body has to undergo a remarkable restructuring to transform itself into a beautiful butterfly . Patience is essential for a caterpillars transformation and so it is for all of us .

Lets understand it with other example

Have you ever watched a seed carried by strong wind being dropped into a tiny crack of Giant  hard rock ?

After sometime it is nurtured by moisture it finds in crack , the seed being sprout after some day the little seeding gradually grown into a young plant whose roots reach deeps to the rock. A the day come when crack is widen and eventually the rocks falls apart !

Imagine the kind of strength it would take if we were yo break something as hard as a rock . But with time and patience a tent seed does the job!

Eventually , it is not the size of seeds that determine it's progress but it's patience and will to preserve ! Similarly, what distinguishes the strong from the weak is patience and perseverance.

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