
Sardar Patel Quotes -Millionaire Quote

ABOUT Sardar Patel :

On the death anniversary of our late 1st vice prime minister Sardar Vallabhbhai  Patel let's pay our gratitude to this legendary leader. India celebrates  31 October as a national Unity day. This day was founded by Narendra Modi govt in 2014. Sardar Patel is always remembered for his remarkable work for integrated India. On this day let us read Sardar Patel 15 + Powerful Quotes.

Sardar Patel powerful Quotes 

1. In a domestic Government unity and co-operation are essential requisite. - Sardar Patel

2. Manpower without Unity is not a strength unless it is harmonized and united properly, then it becomes a spiritual power. - Sardar Patel

3. It is in my nature to be a friend of the friendless  - Sardar Patel

Sardar Patel  Quotes national unity day 2021 ABOUT Sardar Patel :
  Sardar Patel Quotes
4. Happiness and misery are paper balls. Don’t be afraid of death. Join the nationalist forces, be united. Give work to those who are hungry, food to invalids, forget your quarrels. - Sardar Patel

5. The main task before India today is to consolidate herself into a well-knit and united power.
 - Sardar Patel
Sardar Patel  Quotes national unity day 2021 ABOUT Sardar Patel :
  Sardar Patel Quote 

6.  Two ways of building character – cultivating the strength to challenge oppression, and tolerate the resultant hardships that give rise to courage and awareness. - Sardar Patel

7. Ours is a non-violent war, It is Dharma YUDDHA. - sardar Patel

Sardar Patel  Quotes national unity day 2021 ABOUT Sardar Patel :
  Sardar Patel Quotes

8. Caste, the community will rapidly disappear. We have to speedily forget all these things. Such boundaries hamper our growth. - Sardar Patel

9. Even if we lose the wealth of thousands, and our life is sacrificed, we should keep smiling and be cheerful keeping our faith in God and Truth. - Sardar Patel
Sardar Patel  Quotes national unity day 2021 ABOUT Sardar Patel :
  Sardar Patel Quotes
10. Tell Churchill to save England first before saving India. - Sardar Patel

11. A war based on Satyagraha is always of two kinds. One is the war we wage against injustice and the other. - Sardar Patel
Sardar Patel  Quotes national unity day 2021 ABOUT Sardar Patel :
  Sardar Patel Quotes

12. My only desire is that India should be a good producer and no one should be hungry, shedding tears for food in the country.  - Sardar Patel

13. Today we must remove distinctions of high and low, rich and poor, caste or creed. - Sardar Patel

Sardar Patel  Quotes national unity day 2021 ABOUT Sardar Patel :
  Sardar Patel Quotes

14. We have tried to overcome our weaknesses honestly and in a definite manner. The proof, if any proof is needed, is Hindu- Muslim unity… Similarly, we have established cordial relations with Paris, Christians, and other citizens of the country. - Sardar Patel

15. Religion is a matter between the man and his Maker. - Sardar Patel

16. No distinctions of caste and creed should hamper us. All are the sons and daughters of India. We should all love our country and build our destiny on mutual love and help. - Sardar Patel

17. Your goodness is an impediment in your way, so let your eyes be red with anger, and try to fight the injustice with a firm hand. - Sardar Patel

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