
Best Quotes on Racism with Images -Millionaire Quote

  Best quotes on Racism.

Black lives Matter champion raise awareness and bring the world's eyes on the important issue That is Racism. Here is a best and powerful quotes On Racism. 

  Best quotes on Racism.

 1 . " Racism is America's greatest disease, racism is a disease of White man".  - Albert Einstein

2. "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we have been waiting for . We are the change that we seek".  -Barak Obama

3. "You don't fight racism with racism . The Best way to fight Racism with solidarity".- Bobby SEALE

4.  "Racism must be opposed by all means that humanity has at  its disposal".-  Nelson Mandela

5. "I have a dream that my children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by their skin but by the content of their character". - Martin Luther King

6.  "We must overcome all forms of racism, of tolerance, and of the instrumentalization of the human person" -Pope Francis

7. "At the heart of racism is the religious assertion that God made a creative mistake when He brought some people into being." – Friedrich Otto Hertz

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  1. Racism is a Folly of the White People. They know they are so bland themselves that they cannot stand the Joy & Beauty of the Coloured People.
