
Best 50+ quotes of Chanakya Niti - Millionaire Quote Best Advice of Chanakya for Life everyone should know about it

 Best Advice of Chanakya  for Life  everyone should know about it 

Chanakya Niti is very popular even now in Politics,  Business and war. These are the Best Advice of Chanakya everyone should adopt in   life or always remember. This advice can help us to Fight our survival battle in this world. So let's read Best Advice of Chanakya for Life.

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Best 50+ quotes of Chanakya Niti 

1. There are three gems upon this earth; food, water, and pleasing words. Fools consider pieces of rocks as gems. ~ Chanakya

2. A culprit should be punished by the judge according to the intensity of the crime committed by him and not out of any personal grudge.~ Chanakya

3. Anger is death, lust is the river of hell, knowledge is the cow of plenty and satisfaction is the divine orchard.~ Chanakya

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4. Even till the fag end of his life they continue to be wicked, just as the Indra-Varuna fruit (a very bitter fruit) does not become sweet no matter how ripe it might become.~ Chanakya

5. The wise must know this fact that Aatma or God lives in all bodies like the fragrance of flowers, oil in oilseeds, fire in woods, butter in milk, jaggery in sugarcane. One should contact God through his own self, there is no need of going anywhere in search of that.~ Chanakya

6. Save your wealth from the royal men and thieves.~ Chanakya

7. One’s development or destruction depends very much upon one’s tongue (or speech).~ Chanakya

8. These five things are to be learned from a crow: Copulate in secrecy; boldness (or making enough noise to attract attention); storing away useful items and adding to your resources; watchfulness and alertness; and not easily trusting others.~ Chanakya
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9. Having the appetite to eat more but deriving satisfaction even out of little food; to be alert and awaken instantly even in deep sleep; faithfulness and loyalty; and bravery; these qualities should be learned from the dog.~ Chanakya

10. Patience lends grace even to poverty, clean clothes overshadow their quality, stale food looks tempting when heated up, and good behavior and manners hide even ugliness.~ Chanakya
11. Avoid him who talks sweetly before you but tries to ruin you behind your back, for he is like a pitcher of poison with milk on top.~ Chanakya

12. Never trust even your good friend, let alone the vile one. In anger, your friend can expose your secrets out of vengeance.~ Chanakya
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13. Foolishness is indeed painful, and verily so is youth, but more painful by far than either of them is being obliged in another person's house.
~ Chanakya

14. Gems don't exist in every mountain, nor does a pearl on every elephant’s head. Neither are the sadhus (noble learned men) to be found everywhere nor is there sandalwood in every forest.~ Chanakya

15. Parents who don't provide a good education to their sons are their enemies. An uneducated man, among the educated looks like a crow among the swans.~ Chanakya
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16. Do not let a single day pass without you learning a verse, half a verse, or a fourth of it, or even one letter of it; nor without attending to charity, study, and other pious activities.~ Chanakya

17. Wise men should always bring up their sons in various moral ways, for children who have knowledge of Niti-sastra and are well-behaved become a glory to their family.~ Chanakya

18. These five deserve the status of mother: The wife of the king, the wife of the guru, the wife of the friend, the mother of your wife, and one’s own mother.~ Chanakya

19. Friendship among equal and service to the king is good. It is befitting for the trader-class to be in business and for a noble lady to be in the house. ~ Chanakya

20. God does not live in idols of wood, stone, or mud. He dwells in feeling only.~ Chanakya
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21. The capacity to carry his burden despite being tired, being undaunted by the vagaries of weather [heat and cold], and being satisfied under all conditions, – these three qualities are to be learned from the donkey.~ Chanakya

22. A wicked wife, a deceitful friend, an impolite servant, and a house infested with snakes can bring death. The wise should always avoid such type of company at any cost.~ Chanakya

23. A servant is tested when sent on an important mission, family in times of distress, a friend at the hour of need, and a wife at the loss of one’s wealth.~ Chanakya

23. A woman has twice the appetite, four times more shyness, six times more courage, and eight times more sexual desire than a man.~ Chanakya

24. Wealth, vitality, life, body - all are temporary. Only Dharma is constant and everlasting. ~ Chanakya

25. He whose son is obedient to him, whose wife's conduct is in accordance with his wishes, and who is content with his riches, has his heaven here on Earth.~ Chanakya

26. Separation from one's wife, insults from one's own family/people, an enemy saved in battle, service to a wicked king, poverty, and a mismanaged assembly: these six kinds of evils, if afflicting a person, burn him even without fire.~ Chanakya

27. Manners betray one’s family. Language betrays one’s country. Hospitality betrays one’s love, and physique betrays one’s food intake.~ Chanakya
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28. Marry your daughter into a noble family and employ your son into studies, engage your friends in good deeds and involve your enemy in evil practices.~ Chanakya

29. Between the wicked and the snake, the snake is less evil for it stings only once, while the wicked sting on every step.~ Chanakya

30. Though men are endowed with beauty, charm, and youth and born in noble families, yet without education, he is as useless and as unimpressive as the palasa flower which only has color but is void of sweet fragrance.~ Chanakya

31. Always sacrifice a person for the sake of the family, a family for a village, a village for the state, but for the self, sacrifice the whole world.~ Chanakya
32. Enterprise vanishes poverty and the chanting (of God’s name) dissipates sin. The silence ends the quarrel and awakening removes fear.~ Chanakya

33. One wise, educated, and worthy son is better than a hundred incompetent and useless sons. The moon is capable of destroying darkness, which even thousands of stars fail to achieve.~ Chanakya

34. As a single withered tree, when it catches fire, causes a whole forest to burn, so does a rascal son destroy a whole family.~ Chanakya

35. Nothing is too heavy for the strong, no place is too far away for a trader, no land is a foreign land for a scholar, and no one is a stranger for a man with a sweet tongue. [Nothing is impossible for a competent person. He can overcome all difficulties in way of his progress]~ Chanakya

36. Bring up your son with affection till he is five years of age, then be strict with him for the next ten years, and when a son attains the age of sixteen, start treating him like a friend.~ Chanakya
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37. These five things: the life-span, the type of work/profession, wealth/financial status, learning/level of education, and the time of one's death are determined while one is in the womb [predestined by God].~ Chanakya

38. Generally, sons, friends, and brothers have a tendency to take one away from the company of holy, noble, and scholarly persons. But those who can maintain such contacts bring piety to the family.~ Chanakya

39. Like fish, tortoise, and bird rear up their infants by looking, caring, and touching them respectively, so does good company with respect to human beings. Good company plays an important role in making a person a noble one.~ Chanakya

40. One should make sincere efforts for his welfare till death is away. Death is away till one's body is healthy, for death ceases all activities.~ Chanakya

41. When one is consumed by the sorrows of life, three things give him relief: his children, his wife, and the company of good men.~ Chanakya

42. Religious austerities should be practiced alone, study by two, and singing by three. A journey should be undertaken by four, agriculture by five, and war by many together.~ Chanakya

43. Lack of practice makes the learning a poison; indigestion makes food a poison; a social gathering is poison to a poverty stricken person; and a young woman is poisonous for an old man.~ Chanakya

44. Like gold is tested by rubbing, cutting, heating and beating so also a man is tested by his sacrifice, conduct, qualities/capabilities, and his actions.~ Chanakya

45. Two people born to the same mother under the same stars may still differ in their temperament and behavior, like plum and a thorn.~ Chanakya
46. Lethargy destroys knowledge, money entrusted to others is destroyed soon, the field is destroyed by the lack of seeds, and the army is destroyed in the absence of a commander.~ Chanakya
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47. Practice reveals one’s learning, demeanor reveals one's lineage; virtues reveal one’s qualities, and the eyes reveal one’s anger. [Actions reveal character.]~ Chanakya

48. Charity destroys poverty; right efforts destroy misery/distress; truth-bearing wisdom destroys ignorance; and courage destroys fear.~ Chanakya
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49. A man is born alone and dies alone; experiences the good and bad consequences of his karma alone; alone he suffers the tortures of hell, and alone he attains his ultimate that is Moksha.~ Chanakya

50. There is no water like rainwater; no strength like one's own; no light like that of the eyes; and no wealth more dear than food grains.~ Chanakya

51.  These five deserve the status of your father: The one who gave you birth, The one who girdled you with sacred thread, The one who gave you the education, The one who provides you with food, and the one who protects you from all sorts of dangers.~ Chanakya

52. A man who was born blind cannot see anything; those who are blinded by their sexual desire or sozzled with intoxication cannot see anything. Similarly, a man blinded by his need cannot perceive any flaw in the desired object.

53. It is essential for a state to ensure four inaccessible gains: to get what it doesn’t have; to ensure its security after it is gained; to ensure growth in that asset thus gained, and to swap that gain with something more advantageous to the state.

54. Time perfects all living beings as well as kills them; it alone is awake when all others are asleep. Time is insurmountable - no one can stop its flow.
~ Chanakya

55. Knowledge is one's best friend in a foreign land, Inside the home one's wife, is his best friend, for a patient, effective medicine is the best friend, and after one's death, Dharma or the good doings of a man are his best friend.~ Chanakya

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