
Japanese Proverbs : Most famous 67 Japanese Proverbs and saying || japanese proverbs about life || japanese proverbs about love || japanese proverbs in kanji|| japanese proverbs about success|| japanese proverbs about war || japanese proverbs about death || japanese proverbs about perseverance

 Japanese Proverbs and saying 


Proverbs are the most famous literature which passes from one generation to others in Ancient Times. And Japanese Proverbs and saying are widely famous for their beautiful meaning in short words. Here is a collection of the Most famous  Japanese Proverbs and saying/ famous Japanese quotes/ famous proverbs and sayings. 

Most famous  Japanese Proverbs and saying/ famous Japanese quotes/ famous proverbs and sayings.

   Japanese Proverbs: Most famous 67 Japanese Proverbs and saying 

1. Conscience is the sentry of virtue and righteousness. — Japanese proverb 

2. The wise hawk conceals his talons. — Japanese proverb 

3. Although shrimps may dance around they do not leave the river. — Japanese proverb 

4. A loyal subject does not serve two lords. — Japanese proverb

5. There are no better treasures than children. — Japanese proverb

6. Toil cannot be overtaken by poverty. — Japanese proverb

7. Bring up your beloved child with a stick. — Japanese proverb

8. Suspicion generates dark devils. — Japanese proverb

9. A firm resolve pierces even a rock. — Japanese proverb 

10. As water lends itself to the shape of the vessel, a man is shaped by his friends - good or bad. — Japanese proverb

11. Books are preserved minds. — Japanese proverb

12. A caged bird longs for the clouds. — Japanese proverb

13. Pain is the seed of pleasure. — Japanese proverb 

14. A mirror and chastity are two things a woman must-have. — Japanese proverb

15. It is contrary to the house where the hen announces the dawn. — Japanese proverb

16. Brides and mothers-in-law are like dogs and monkeys. — Japanese proverb 

17. Take an umbrella before you get wet. — Japanese proverb

18. Snakes follow the way of serpents. — Japanese proverb

19. A frog in the well knows not the ocean. — Japanese proverb 

20. Trash accumulates in stagnant water. — Japanese proverb 

21. A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle. — Japanese proverb 

22. Stolen things eaten are delicious. — Japanese proverb 

23. Yesterday's lovely flower is but a dream today. — Japanese proverb 

24. Boasting begins where wisdom stops. — Japanese proverb 

25. As for man wisdom, as for woman affection. — Japanese proverb

26. With the fall of one leaf we know that autumn has come to the world. — Japanese proverb 

27. If the heart is right the deeds will be right. — Japanese proverb 

28. To the heavy drinker on awakening, water tastes like nectar. — Japanese proverb

29. Treasures laid up in the mind do not decay. — Japanese proverb

30. Sufficient food and clothing will produce good manners. — Japanese proverb 

31. Evil follows good, good follow evil. — Japanese proverb

32. A fool will soon use up his money. — Japanese proverb 

33. Early maturity, early senility. — Japanese proverb 

34. The face is the mirror of the heart. — Japanese proverb 

35. Coffin carriers desire the year of the plaque. — Japanese proverb 

36. A bad wife is a poor harvest for sixty years. — Japanese proverb 

37. The very thing one likes, one does well. — Japanese proverb 

38. Though you sleep in a thousand-mat room, you occupy only one. — Japanese proverb

39. A dead person has no mouth. — Japanese proverb

40. Even the swinging together of sleeves is preordained by destiny. — Japanese proverb 

41. A man's heart is as changeable as the skies in autumn. — Japanese proverb 

42. The famished person is not choosy about his food. — Japanese proverb 

43. Money matters make strangers. — Japanese proverb

44. Even a hunter is sometimes caught in a trap. — Japanese proverb 

45. Even a hunter is sometimes caught in a trap. — Japanese proverb

46. Metal is tested by fire, a man by wine. — Japanese proverb 

47. When a drunk man reveals his true self. — Japanese proverb 

48. Though we see the seven defects of others, we do not see our own ten defects. — Japanese proverb

49. No place is as desirable as home. — Japanese proverb

50. It is one life whether we spend it in laughing or weeping. — Japanese proverb

51. A fine horse runs on by observing the shadows of the whip. — Japanese proverb

52. With the fall of one leaf we know that autumn has come to the world. — Japanese proverb

53. With the fall of one leaf we know that autumn has come to the world. — Japanese proverb

54. As water lends itself to the shape of the vessel, a man is shaped by his friends - good or bad. — Japanese proverb 

55. Even a robber fastens his door. — Japanese proverb

56. A hair from the head of a woman can tie a large elephant. — Japanese proverb

57. Children do not have as much affection for their parents as parents have for them. — Japanese proverb

58. If you would take, first give. — Japanese proverb 

59. Tall trees, much wind. — Japanese proverb 

60. It's the tortoise that discounts the value of a pair of fast legs. — Japanese proverb

61. To the partial eyes of a lover, pockmarks seem like dimples. — Japanese proverb

62. An old horse does not forget his path. — Japanese proverb

63. On death all accounts are canceled. — Japanese proverb 

64. The world is the world for the world. — Japanese proverb 

65. Pleasure seekers have no leisure. — Japanese proverb

66. Youth and wine are like a whip to a galloping horse. — Japanese proverb 

67. The parents can see best the character of the child. — Japanese proverb 

Japanese Proverbs and saying/ famous Japanese quotes/ famous proverbs and sayings Japanese Proverbs: Most famous 10 Japanese Proverbs and saying||  japanese proverbs about life || japanese proverbs about love || japanese proverbs in kanji|| japanese proverbs about success|| japanese proverbs about war || japanese proverbs about death || japanese proverbs about perseverance

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