
Happy Valentine's day 2021|| Short love poem for Valentine day 2021 "Do You Know Why I Choose you ?" Best romantic poem for couples 2021.

Short love poem for Valentine day 2021 "Do You Know Why I Choose you ?" Best romantic poem for couples 2021.

In life  we have done lots of mistake .And from  Each mistake we learn something that  is the  part of our lesson that life gives us. Daily we met with different person each person have different perspective, shades, style and flaws . Some are good for us some are bad. We either avoid them or keep continuing with  them  . They teach us lots of things that's books ,School, exam  can't. In the matter of love for choosing someone we have to need learn how to grown trust in any relationship. And that trust should be  build upon truth. This is   trust that is a real  condiment in the flavor of love.  So when ever you fall in love or choosing someone for life spend .Tell them  about your flaws , mistake or lessons . That's a good way to gain trust . 

About my poem .
Do you know why I choose you is my  short  poem of  my anthology . 

After having dozen of crushes ,
six one-sided love , 
3 online relationships
And 2 heartbreaks .
i choose you 
not because I was broken, 
Or not beloved . 
but in your eyes i found a,
Eternal world for me 
lying in your arm I feel protected ,
Not fastened .
Holding your hands give me a 
Outlast languor happiness.
With you, I squandered all my fear,
Or not to be unloved again .
i found me again in you . 
thats why, 
I choose you !

---shivani bhatia

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